
Showing posts from 2011


这两个星期为了要应付 STPM ( SIJIL TER PALING MUDAH ) 一整天都躲在家里 拼命的吃书 拼命的睡觉 拼命的吃饭 拼命的喝咖啡 就没有别的项目了 真的是有够闷的 我快要发霉了咯 想想 好像很就没去 taiping sentral 了咯 咳~~~ 酱的生活还有两个星期呀 还有四张paper要应付呀 真的感觉到很疲累了啦 namo namo namo 时间快的过去吧 !!!!

天分 与 勤劳

天才 = 意思说天生就有才能 勤劳 = 意思说后生的努力 人家说 “ 一个人的成功是靠 30% 的天分 和 70% 的努力" 意思说只要一个人努力就能成功 但我就不认为是这样 如果一个人没有天分在某方面 再怎么努力也好也只能达到 70% 但如果一个有天分的人只要努力一些就能达到 100% 结论是 “ 这世界是不公平的” walao eh ~ walao eh ~ walao eh


自拍无罪^^ 自恋无罪@.@ 自拍是为了要更了解自已 看凊楚自已长着什么样貌 自恋是保护自已 自已都不保护自已 谁会来保护你?? 所已自拍无罪 ^^

也许这就我的命运吧 !!!

也许这就我的命运吧 !!! 我的命也许该面对这些问题... 但也够倒霉的我... 用了RM60来买一张ban2的烂纸... 天呀... 这场考试真的有够不公平了... 当我speaking的时后无端端来了一个外来的考生... 害到我们4人一组得换去3人一组... 安排好的策略都派不到上场.. 当我reading的时候... 那个死鬼考官竟然我面前念读她的可兰经... 害到我都不能专心拉... >.< tulan 当我listening的时候... 死鬼radio又那么小声... 你要我听什么哦... <听他放屁声么??> haiz... 我的要求都不高... 我只是要拿band3吧了嘛... 老天爷呀... 你在玩我吗?? rm60 fly away

2 week of Holiday finished =.=

2 week of holiday do nothing at home only =.= !!! just had a trip to autocity and penang wif my classmate ^^ beginning of trip (father) (daughter) (mother) who else eh face more noob?? ^^ tat is me lol~comparing who else eh eye more small =.= i most hate eh people is she >.< only she every day suan siao me small eye haha....i like tis post ^^ (yeng)

Taiping 2010/2011

2011 the last year me live in taiping really?? if i fail in stpm,i will find a job in city or continue study in college if i pass in stpm i will continue study in U after tis find a job in city SO.... i think tis year is my last year live in taiping =( i like taiping so much it giv me so many memory at here car park of inside the celebration birthday wif my bro in panorama doing nothing in taiping cantral tis is my most special friends bcause when pp call him he will laugh non-stop d uty inside the library SOZAI LOONG badminton time in wang shi or tnc tuition at PJ have a sing K in rex-box walking-walking in lake garden ^^ celebration of mooncake festival and more and more...... so many gud memory at TAIPING SO WE MUST TREASURE IT !!!


也许在路上的人都很讨厌这红绿灯!!! 但这红绿灯却是我门生命路上的救星!!! 你想看... 如果没了他... 路上会有更多的车祸发生... 红绿灯就像路上的铁责... if u din follow the rule... u will get a accident or a samman soon... tat is because u breaking the rule... traffic light given for me.... i am treasure it... it like a stop station in our life... it giv a sec to me for thinking about the future... it giv me a sec to keep company wif my lover ^^ it giv me a sec to stop my step... it giv me a sec to me for rest... it giv a sec to me to observe the beauty of the world... it giv me a sec to me feel i am breathing... it giv me a sec to let me knw i am alive... I AM ENJOY IT IN MY LIFE!!!

我的国民服务已快要过一年了咯 ^口^

很久没在这里分享东西了啦... 想想一下... 时间还过得真快... 我当兵已快要过一年了咯... 虽然在那里的生话... 对我来说是很苦的啦... 在那里简直像要了我的命酱... 我是说刚开时吧了啦... 在那里我认识到一班好兄弟哦... 哈哈... 有时真的很想念在那边认识的朋友啦... 如果在那里没了你们... 我在那里的生话会有几惨呀!!! 你们不要一直叫我鸡头好不好!!!看这!!这才叫做鸡头啦.... >.< 同高度的我们^^ 幸好还有人黑过我XD 这几条每天临睡前就一定会gao shao kua =.= behtahan nia 同生日的我们...她真人很有气质哦<3 wow ^^ miss u all ^^